Sunday, 26 November 2017

Year 6 Graduation Song

This is a audio recording of the Year 6 Graduation song to practice to. There isn't any singing in the recording, but there is a piano playing the melody line to help you!

Below are the lyrics.

When I grow up
I will be tall enough to reach the branches
that I need to reach to climb the trees
You get to climb when you're grown up.

When I grow up
I will be smart enough to answer all
the questions that you need to know
the answer to when you're a grown up.

And when i grow up
I will eat sweets every day
On the way to work and I will go to bed late every night

And I will wake up
When the sun comes up and I
Will watch cartoons until my eyes go square
And I won't care 'cause I'll be all grown up.

When I grow up

When I grow up (When I grow up) When I grow up
I will be strong enough to carry all
the heavy things you have to haul
around with you when you're a grown up

And when I grow up (when I grow up) when I grow up
I will be brave enough to fight the creatures
that you have to fight beneath the bed
each night to be a grown up.

And when I grow up (when I grow up)
I will have treats every day
and i'll play with things that mum pretends
that mums don't think are fun.

And I will wake up (I will wake up)
When the sun comes up and I
Will spend all day just lying in the sun
And I won't care 'cause I'll be all grown up.

When I grow up.

(Instrumental Break)
When I grow up
I will be tall enough to reach the branches
that I need to reach to climb the trees
You get to climb when you're grown up.

When I grow up
I will be smart enough to answer all
the questions that you need to know
the answer to when you're a grown up.

When I grow up.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Junior Choir Change for Week 7

To all members of the Junior Choir. We will be having a rehearsal on Wednesday Morning before school as Friday is a pupil free day.

It is important that we all attend this rehearsal in order to prepare for our visit to Sunshine Park Hostel in week 9.

A Big Thank You!

A very big Thank You to the Hull family for their generous donation of an electronic organ to the music classroom.

I know I have been having a lot of fun on it, and the students are very excited to have it incorporated into their music lessons.

Term 4 Update!

Well done to all classes for working so hard this year! You have performed brilliantly in the songs we have been learning.

Below is a quick summary of what each year group has been learning in the first half of Term 4.

Year 1 Classes

The Year 1 classes have been learning about counting music to 4 beats and 2 beats, and have been continuing to practice singing and performing on the xylophones.

We have learned a song called Old Sammy Snail this term on the xylophone, which the year 1's performed in class during week 5.

Year 2 Classes

The Year 2 classes have continued to learn about the instruments in the orchestra. The past few weeks we have looked at the percussion family - instruments that you either hit or shake to make a sound. We have also started looking at 4 beat and 2 beat time signatures to write our own music to.

The year 2's have learned a song called Motor Car on the xylophones, which they performed beautifully in class in week 5.

Year 3 + 4 Classes

The year 3 and 4 classes have been learning about 2 beat, 3 beat and 4 beat time signatures and writing rhythms that include dynamic and tempo markings. The year 3 classes have been learning a song called Tideo to sing and play at the same time, and the year 4 classes have been learning I'm a Peanut which was performed in class during week 5.

Year 5 + 6 Classes

The year 5's and 6's have continued to develop their singing, instrumental and rhythmic skills this term. During the start of the term, we practiced hard to master the tricky G7 chord on the ukulele and add it into our song for the term Octopus's Garden. The year 5's have started writing their own piece of music using all of the rhythms, dynamics, tempo terms and notes we have learned this year, while the year 6 students have been preparing for their graduation performance.

New Music Theory Page

There is a new page added for the music theory we have been learning this year. Please visit this over the end of year holidays to refresh your memory about some of the aspects of music we have learned this year!

Monday, 13 November 2017

Year 6 Graduation Song

Here is a video for you to practice the Year 6 Graduation Song to.