Well done to all classes for working so hard this year! You have performed brilliantly in the songs we have been learning.
Below is a quick summary of what each year group has been learning in the first half of Term 4.
Year 1 Classes
The Year 1 classes have been learning about counting music to 4 beats and 2 beats, and have been continuing to practice singing and performing on the xylophones.
We have learned a song called Old Sammy Snail this term on the xylophone, which the year 1's performed in class during week 5.
Year 2 Classes
The Year 2 classes have continued to learn about the instruments in the orchestra. The past few weeks we have looked at the percussion family - instruments that you either hit or shake to make a sound. We have also started looking at 4 beat and 2 beat time signatures to write our own music to.
The year 2's have learned a song called Motor Car on the xylophones, which they performed beautifully in class in week 5.
Year 3 + 4 Classes
The year 3 and 4 classes have been learning about 2 beat, 3 beat and 4 beat time signatures and writing rhythms that include dynamic and tempo markings. The year 3 classes have been learning a song called Tideo to sing and play at the same time, and the year 4 classes have been learning I'm a Peanut which was performed in class during week 5.
Year 5 + 6 Classes
The year 5's and 6's have continued to develop their singing, instrumental and rhythmic skills this term. During the start of the term, we practiced hard to master the tricky G7 chord on the ukulele and add it into our song for the term Octopus's Garden. The year 5's have started writing their own piece of music using all of the rhythms, dynamics, tempo terms and notes we have learned this year, while the year 6 students have been preparing for their graduation performance.
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